Faster page load time
Our testing shows improvements of 72% for Time to First Byte (TTFB) and 23% for First Contentful Paint (FCP).
Speed improvements mean users are not stuck waiting for pages to load. Additionally, better page performance can lead to better search engine rankings.
Both static & dynamic content
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, plugins, and dynamic content all are served from the Cloudflare network with data centers that are geographically close to users for maximum performance.
Automatic Platform Optimization caches your website on Cloudflare’s network
Automatic Platform Optimization serves both static and dynamic WordPress content from the Cloudflare network, reducing costly round trips to the origin server. All the communication occurs between the user’s device and Cloudflare.
The Cloudflare network is within 50 milliseconds of 95% of the Internet-connected population globally, which means content is served faster than the blink of an eye.