Ratings, Reviews and Customer Feedback

 99,00 / year

Get More 5-Star Reviews
Our email signature widget gets you more 5-star reviews guaranteed.

Collect ratings, reviews and feedback that you can auto-publish on Facebook, Yelp, Trustpilot, Tripadvisor, and Google My Business

You get a company account that let you collect ratings, reviews and feedback on all the email footers of the company’s email signatures. Simply add the rating icons to the email settings of your employees.

Do-it-yourself copy and paste email footer code. Set-up once. Lifelong collection of ratings, reviews and feedback.

Works with any inbox or email client; Gmail, outlook, CRM, …


This rating system will help you improve the amounts of ratings, reviews and feedback you collect. Generate customers feedback on autopilot.

Get feedback with an email signature. Collect and share the positive ratings on Facebook, Yelp, Trustpilot, Tripadvisor, and Google My Business.

Get more 5-star Reviews
Re-direct positive clicks to external Review Sites, and Boost Your Online Reputation with Positive Feedback.

Recover Dropped Balls
Negative feedback remains internal, as clients are promptly connected with a manager to resolve issues.

Review Team Members
Assess team members, identify underperformers, and pinpoint areas for staff improvement or training.

This service is giving you access to our company rating system, so you can set up your own email footers and start collecting more ratings, reviews and feedback.

We offer a 14-day free trial

Sign-up: https://rate.django.agency/signup/

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